
Cooperating Partner

Alexander Cisik

Prof. Dr. Alexander Cisik

Alexander Cisik is a professor for organizational psychology at the Hochschule Niederrhein in Moenchengladbach. He is also the scientific director at cisikconsulting in Duesseldorf. Prior to that he was head of leadership development at 3M Germany and Corporate HR director at SIG Combibloc. His areas of expertise are psychological analysis, management assessments and diagnostics as well as leadership and organizational development.

Biograhy Publications Contact


  • Why do managers derail?

    DIE ZEIT, Forum by Ulrich Jordan, September 17, 2015

    Jürgen Großmann of RWE, Peter Löscher of Siemens, Thomas Middelhoff of Arcandor – these names are familiar to those who take an interest in business issues in Germany. Having enjoyed initial success as CEOs, they all derailed in the end. In the case of Middelhoff it had been foreseeable for a long time, in the case of Großmann and Löscher only briefly before. At least if you believe what the media said.

  • It is time for companies to apply

    karriere.de, February 2, 2012

    Times are changing in Germany. Until a few years ago applicants had to be grateful for every interview they were invited to. Today it is the hiring organization that needs to market itself to the candidates. Not every HR department, however, has fully understood how important this targeted recruiting has become...

  • The higher you go the more acting you will see

    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 3 and 4, 2012

    Talking with: Ulrich Jordan, former Chief Human Resources Officer, Targobank

    The hiring managers are often ill prepared to select candidates, says Ulrich Jordan. A candidate's tie then may decide whether he will get hired. And in the end a clone will get selected.

  • Asking the right questions


    By addressing some of the most common mistakes in job interviews, managers are able to make stronger hiring decisions.