Ulrich Jordan, Birgit Külpp, Ines Bruckschen, 208 Pages, 2. Edition
Gabler Verlag, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 2012
Language: German
ISBN-10: 3834935298
ISBN-13: 978-3834935298
Herausgeber Karlheinz Schwuchow/Joachim Gutmann, 401 Pages
The five Human Resources core competencies – What makes a successful HR manager
Luchterhand Verlag, Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH, Köln 2012
Language: German
ISBN-10: 3472080132
ISBN-13: 978-3472080138
DIE ZEIT, Forum by Ulrich Jordan, September 17, 2015
Jürgen Großmann of RWE, Peter Löscher of Siemens, Thomas Middelhoff of Arcandor – these names are familiar to those who take an interest in business issues in Germany. Having enjoyed initial success as CEOs, they all derailed in the end. In the case of Middelhoff it had been foreseeable for a long time, in the case of Großmann and Löscher only briefly before. At least if you believe what the media said.
Personalwirtschaft - Magazine for Human Resources, Nr. 2 - 2012
Ulrich Jordan, former Chief Human Resources Officer for Citibank Germany, has conducted more than 5.000 hiring interviews in his career. In this article he describes the most common mistakes.
Human Resources Manager Magazine February/March 2012
The market for consulting in the Human Resources segment is growing. It is becoming more lucrative for consulting firms have a specialized offering in this field. But to flourish in this market is not so easy. The clients have become more professional and more demanding.
Ulrike Heitze, karriere.de/Handelsblatt February 2, 2012
Consultant Ulrich Jordan says that many HR managers are not very well trained and not very effective in conducting hiring interviews. In this interview he explains what that means for the candidates.