When the boss asks to speak to you
Handelsblatt December 28, 2011
...It is the time of the year now that managers – with a friendly reminder from their HR departments - are meeting with their employees. One on one they want to review the performance and results of the last twelve months and agree on goals for the future...
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..."Most companies have now learned to live with these reviews but a lot of managers and employees still feel a bit uncomfortable going into these conversations", says Ulrich Jordan, owner of the Jordan Consulting Group and former Chief Human Resources Officer of Targobank. "Especially when managers have not given open and and direct feedback throughout the year." According to the author of "The successful hiring interview", published by Gabler Verlag, there are studies which show that on average employees receive less than ten minutes of feedback to their work each year. "That is a pretty devastating number. If it is true then a lot of employees are being left in the dark what to expect in their performance reviews."...
..."These conversations always mirror the boss-employee relationship", explains Jordan. "If it works, the review will hold very few surprises. If it does not, the appraisal discussions can easily lead to a serious blow."...
..."I know a lot of managers who are fearful of these situations. Many have a hard time to give constructive feedback and express criticism in a fair and positive way" states Jordan...
..."A smart employee will actively influence how the conversation goes. She will present her point of view on what was expected from her and how she has performed," recommends consultant Jordan...
...Those who prepare well for these situations by adjusting to the idiosyncrasies of their bosses and by keeping an open and postive mind, can expect, so Jordan, that their counterparts will listen and show an understanding. "The worst you can do is to go into such a meeting when you are upset about something that just happened. If a glance at your new salary slip has got you angry and you walk into your boss´s office two minutes later, you should not be surprised that the meeting is over before it has begun" reports the consultant from experience. "A good meeting does not necessarily mean that all of your ideas and recommendations will be put into action but you have done all you could do with good preparation and you have been listened to."
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